Support your Poppy Shop

03 November 2022

Event in Bedford Town Centre

Dave Hodgson, Mayor of Bedford Borough has urged local residents to once again show their support for this year’s Poppy Appeal and back Bedford’s Poppy Shop.

Mayor Dave said, “The Poppy Appeal raises money for current members of the armed services, veterans, and their families, providing financial, social and emotional help.”

“We’re lucky to have our Poppy Shop, where the public have direct access to poppies, crosses, wreaths and other tokens of remembrance of the fallen and wristbands, badges and other items to show their support for the Appeal.

“Thanks are due to Michelle and her team for all their work in supporting this year’s Appeal.”

Michelle French, Bedford Royal British Legion said, “In 2022 the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal will focus on how your poppy shows you care and helps the RBL to continue its vital work supporting the Armed Forces.

"As we pay tribute to those who have served and sacrificed during Remembrance this year, we hope you will show your support to all the amazing Poppy Appeal volunteer collectors in and around the town in the next few weeks.”

Bedford’s Poppy Shop is in the Arcade, off the High Street in Bedford this year and will be open from 10am to 4pm every day to Saturday 13 November, apart from Sunday 6 November when it will be open from 1pm to 4pm.

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