Bakery boosts hospital charity

14 July 2021

La Rondine patisserie in Queen Street is helping to promote a new campaign in support of the Bedford Hospital Charity & Friends.

The Italian cake-creators of Queen Street, are long-standing supporters of the NHS and now are spreading the word for the One Million Miles challenge.

The aim is to raise £1 million for a Children’s A&E, and for a new A&E CT Scanner.

Full story of how to get involved by walking, swimming, biking or hiking is at

The La Rondine team led by Salvatore (Sav) Garganese, are no strangers to sporting success - they were mentioned by Marcus Ashford MBE in his free school meals campaign in 2020.

The very generous team donate pastries to those manning vaccination centres and thus are regular backers of Bedford Hospital Charity & Friends.

The campaign is led by Ismail Anilmis DL, a former volunteer member of the Love Bedford BedfordBID board and multi McDonald’s franchisee.

La Rondine and One Million Miles Challenge

Debbie Inskip of the charity and Sav at La Rondine in Queen Street, Bedford

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