College Means Business

22 November 2019

Event in Bedford Town Centre

The Love Bedford Business Improvement District (BID) is to be the main sponsor of a bumper Bedford College Achievement Ceremony at the Corn Exchange on December 5th.

Hundreds of students, their proud families and VIPs will witness the celebration of successes of the college, which has grown into a powerful educational Group across Bed and Northants.

BedfordBID, and the 100s of businesses it supports, recognises the value of having 1,000s of staff and students right in the heart of Bedford. Their custom makes a critical contribution - one business estimates that 30% of its trade Mon-Fri comes from students.

In addition to the riverside college campus, the Group has The Bedford Sixth Form with 500+ students in Bromham Road, a Hair and Beauty training salon and the Bedford Learning Centre in the High Street. 

Said BedfordBID Director Christina Rowe: “This event is a highlight of the year in terms of local families coming into the town centre to see young people collecting their awards and certificates. It’s such a positive event with significance for employment and the economy, all of which is a necessary business boost for Bedford. 

“In addition students add vibrancy to so many areas of activity in the town centre, from art shows at the Harpur Centre, to charity events and of course, the night time economy.”

Previously the college has contributed MASSIVELY to Love Bedford vouchers income with 75% of £1 Million coming from college purchases

College parking after hours and holidays mean that those same staff and students have access to convenient town centre parking for weekend visits.

Students who attend college at 16 are for the first time being introduced to the town centre as consumers (e.g. not with parents) and are therefore of tremendous value to certain outlets - many of which offer student discounts.

Brooks Hair and Beauty Salon on High Street is an example of “other uses” of retail outlets in a town centre AND brings in cohorts of young consumers. It also adds glamour to the town with the annual Hair & Beauty Show.

The Bedford Learning Centre attracts 100s of more mature students every week Mon - Sat who learn basic IT skills.

The Bedford College Group has also loaned expert staff members to the BID Board.

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