Celebration of Indian Independence

20 August 2019

More than 300 people witnessed the raising of flag to mark Indian Independence Day.

Bandhan, a diverse group of women of Indian origin, collaborated with other Bedford-based community, charity, voluntary organisations and interfaith groups to organise the celebrations on August 15.

Her Excellency Ruchi Ghanashyam High Commissioner of India travelled to Bedford on the most important date in the Indian calendar to raise the Indian flag. Professor Gurch Randhawa, Deputy Lieutenant for Bedfordshire, Mohammad Yasin, MP and Meryl Dolling, High Sheriff of Bedfordshire and the Mayor of Bedford Dave Hodgson also joined the formal proceedings at 7.30 in the morning.  

Dr Vinita Manjure, chairperson of Bandhan said: “It is a matter of great pride that we have transcended the barriers of culture, language, states and religion to congregate at the Harpur Square on this glorious August morning, together in solidarity and united in our joint endeavour to do good.” 

Some of Bedford’s Indian talent and cultural diversity was showcased through a variety of performances from 21st Century Education Trust, Sandhya Rao school of music, Nritham Dance Academy, NRI Music and Ananda Arts. 

Following the morning’s formal activities the community reconvened in the evening at Harpur Suite to continue their celebrations. 

Bandhan Group was established in 2018 as a not-for-profit, secular organisation for women of Indian origin living in Bedfordshire and the surrounding areas. Bandhan’s aim is to promote culture, community spirit, health and wellbeing. It has been an active partner in setting up and supporting DKMS Beds Hub, the local stem cell registration organisation.

A film of the celebrations can be seen on www.lovebedford.co.uk 

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